How To Identify Original Honey Follow These Tips

Original Honey: Although the demand for good honey remains in every season, but its demand is more during winter. But due to increase in demand for honey during this period, some people also start making fake honey and selling it. Are you also eating something wrong thinking it is good honey? Let us know how you can identify the right honey.

According to reports, it is difficult to identify genuine honey. Because adulterated honey can be made like real honey. However, there are some easy ways by which you can identify the right honey. For this, add one spoon of honey in a glass of hot water. If honey dissolves in water, it is adulterated. Real honey does not dissolve in water and remains floating on the surface of water. Apart from this, apply honey on a wooden stick and keep it on fire. If honey burns like a candle, then it is real. Adulterated honey becomes sticky when burnt and does not burn easily.

matter of work

According to reports, you can also identify honey by applying it on a piece of bread. If the honey sticks well to the bread, it is real. Because adulterated honey gets easily separated from the bread. Apart from this, you can also identify real and fake honey with the help of labs.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on some media reports and information. Does not verify any information. Before implementing any information, consult the concerned expert.

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